«Messalian» and «Bogomil» Fragments in Russian and Greek Translations of the «Orationes» of St. Simeon the New Theologian


  • Tvorogov Andrey S. Мoscow Theological Аcademy




Symeon the New Theologian, Constantine Chrysomallus, Theophanes the Recluse, Dionysius Causocalybites, Messalianism, theology, Enthusiasm, «Orationes»


The article compares fragments from the original sermons of the corpus «33 Sermons» attributed to St. Symeon the New Theologian with their translations: the Modern Greek translations by Dionysius Causocalybites and the Russian translations by St. Theophanes the Recluse. According to the research of J. Guillard, the author of these Sermons may be Constantine Chrysomallus, condemned for the heresies of the Bogomils, Messalianism and Enthusiasm at the Council of 1140 in Constantinople. The differences between the translations and the original and the text of the Council resolution are analyzed. The author explaines that further reprints of Russian translations by St. Theophanes should be supplied commentary concerning doubtful authorship of separate Semons and short information on their possible author.


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Author Biography

Tvorogov Andrey S., Мoscow Theological Аcademy

MA in Theology, PhD student of Мoscow Theological Аcademy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300,



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How to Cite

Tvorogov А. С. (2019). «Messalian» and «Bogomil» Fragments in Russian and Greek Translations of the «Orationes» of St. Simeon the New Theologian. The Metaphrast, (2 (2), 62–76. https://doi.org/10.31802/2658-770X-2019-2-2-62-76