Saint Jerome of Stridon Homilies 6–10 to the Gospel of Mark

Translation from Latin, preface and notes by Peter S. Trofimov


  • Trofimov Peter S. Moscow Theological Academy



St. Jerome of Stridon, the Gospel of Mark, interpretations of the Gospel of Mark, New Testament commentaries, Latin exegesis, non-literal interpretation, allegory


The article contains an annotated translation of Homilies 6–10 on the Gospel of Mark of St. Jerome of Stridon, in which continues the development of the apology of «intelligentia spiritualis» (spiritual understanding) of the Holy Scriptures and gives biblical, theological, moral and practical arguments for the advantages of this method. In addition, the homily are interesting from the point of view of considering the Christology of Jerome: they contain arguments about the unity of the Person of Christ, analyze the question of the knowledge of the Lord, and provide an interpretation of the phrase, present only in Mark, about the alleged ignorance by the Son of God of the day of the Second Coming.


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Author Biography

Trofimov Peter S., Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Trofimov П. С. (2021). Saint Jerome of Stridon Homilies 6–10 to the Gospel of Mark: Translation from Latin, preface and notes by Peter S. Trofimov. The Metaphrast, (2 (6), 12–38.