St. Basil of Caesarea (spuria). Homily ‘On Virginity’ (CPG 2081)

Translated from Ancient Greek, foreward and notes by


  • Naumenko Andrey L. Moscow Theological Academy



history of monasticism, monasticism in Asia Minor, family asceticism, St. Basil the Great, homily, treatises on virginity


The Russian-speaking reader is offered a translation of the «Homily on virginity» (CPG 2081), attributed to St. Basil the Great. The homily describes the norms of life and asceticism of Christians of Asia Minor in the first half of the fourth century. It is an important source of information about the Asia Minor ascetic tradition, which is characteristic not of community-based monasteries, but for wealthy Christian families. Homily is an epistle to the head of the family as the head of the «family monastery». The work describes in detail the necessary behavior and actions of parents for the education of children in virginity and purity. The style of homily, as well as the dogmatic terms used in it, exclude the authorship of St. Basil the Great.


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Author Biography

Naumenko Andrey L., Moscow Theological Academy

Student of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Naumenko А. Л. (2019). St. Basil of Caesarea (spuria). Homily ‘On Virginity’ (CPG 2081): Translated from Ancient Greek, foreward and notes by. The Metaphrast, (1 (1), 82–95.



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