The Unknown Provincial Church Murals of the XIX — early XX Centuries Painted after the Famous Metropolitan Patterns


  • Pavlova, Anna L.



church murals of New times, metropolitan patterns, church plastic, The Eliminated Head of John the Baptist, Crucifix, carved wood sculpture


An article provides an analysis of some renowned metropolitan masterpieces in provincial interpretations using several unknown church murals as an example. It studies a process
of adoption illustrated in Russian academic heritage by a considerable number of paintings, murals and icons. A significant amount of factual material on church paintings, accumulated during expeditionary trips to the regions of Russia, made it possible to draw some general conclusions about the interest of regional church art in the work of the leading capital masters. The selection of works reflected the customers and painters’ religious outlook in several Central Russia,
mainly in Vladimir, Kaluga, Ryazan and Tver, provinces. Provincial church artists solved the most
complex artistic task of translating easel paintings into the monumental ones or, literally, graphic works into architectural forms. The transformation of a separate piece of work and incorporating it into architectural space let us talk about provincial replicas of famous capital works as anAn article provides an analysis of some renowned metropolitan masterpieces in provincial interpretations using several unknown church murals as an example. It studies a process
of adoption illustrated in Russian academic heritage by a considerable number of paintings, murals and icons. A significant amount of factual material on church paintings, accumulated during expeditionary trips to the regions of Russia, made it possible to draw some general conclusions about the interest of regional church art in the work of the leading capital masters. The selection of works reflected the customers and painters’ religious outlook in several Central Russia,
mainly in Vladimir, Kaluga, Ryazan and Tver, provinces. Provincial church artists solved the most
complex artistic task of translating easel paintings into the monumental ones or, literally, graphic works into architectural forms. The transformation of a separate piece of work and incorporating it into architectural space let us talk about provincial replicas of famous capital works as an


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Author Biography

Pavlova, Anna L.

кандидат искусствоведения, заведующая отделом словаря художников НИИ РАХ, старший научный сотрудник Государственного института искусствознания


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Клокова Г. С. Храмовый резной образ «Усекновенной главы Иоанна Предтечи» из с. Бабурино // Россия и восточно-христианский мир. Средневековая пластика.

Древнерусская пластика [Сб. ст.] / редактор-составитель А. В. Рындина. М.: Индрик, 2003. Вып. IV. С. 184-200.

Искусство Рязанских земель [Альбом-каталог] / ВХНРЦ им. И. Э. Грабаря. М.: Сорек, 1993.

Павлова А. Л. Иконостас Троицкого храма с. Осечно Вышневолоцкого района Тверской области // Деревянная культовая скульптура. Проблемы хранения, изучения, реставрации. Международная научно-практическая конференция. М.: МГАУ, 2011. С. 152-158.

Пуцко В. Г. Иконостас русского сельского храма на рубеже XVIII-XIX вв. // Русское церковное искусство Нового времени / отв. ред. А. В. Рындина. М.: Индрик, 2004. С. 81-94.



How to Cite

Pavlova А. Л. . (2020). The Unknown Provincial Church Murals of the XIX — early XX Centuries Painted after the Famous Metropolitan Patterns. Church Art and Archaeology Review, 1(2), 93–109.



Sculptura in Church Art
