Painting at the Altar Space of the Curch of the Mother of God Periblepta in Ohrid: Reflection at the Liturgical Context


  • Gerasimova Natalia V. Moscow Theological Academy



altar mural paintings, liturgical plots, monumental painting, Byzantine art, Byzantine rite


The iconographic program of the altar painting at the Church of the Mother of God Periblepta in Ohrid (1294/95) is one of the most striking examples of a new type of decoration for a liturgical space, which was developed throughout the 13th century. Since the frescoes were cleared in the middle of the XX century, they have aroused a great interest of Palaeologian painting researchers. In general, the programm of painting at the vima, an altar and a pastophory were deeply and well interpreted. Today, it seems relevant not to interpret individual cycles and plots, but identify main principles of their selection, arrangement and distribution in the liturgical space of the altar. Responding to the tradition and symbolic understanding of the Byzantine rite, the paintings in this area of the Christian church turn out to be associated with interpretations of the liturgy and its rite, the inscriptions accompanying the altar compositions constituted a single epigraphic sequence, which was directly reflected in real liturgical practices. The reflection of the liturgical context of the altar painting of the Church of the Mother of God Periblepta has never become a subject of a separate study. In this article, the author for the first time studies, in close connection with each other and in the context of the Byzantine liturgical rite, the ideological and thematic foundations of the painting as well as epigraphic material, which makes it possible to convincingly demonstrate the close connection of the program with the rite of Anaphora, the weekly and annual cycle of services, and the prayer of the Church about the living and the dead.


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Author Biography

Gerasimova Natalia V., Moscow Theological Academy

postgraduate student at the Department of Theory and History of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy
Researcher at the Andrei Rublev Museum
141300, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Russia


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How to Cite

Gerasimova Н. В. (2024). Painting at the Altar Space of the Curch of the Mother of God Periblepta in Ohrid: Reflection at the Liturgical Context. Church Art and Archaeology Review, 8(2), 37–65.