The History of the Study of the Altar Monumental Decoration of Early Christian and Byzantine Churches until the end of the XIII Century (Aspect of the Relationship between Liturgical Rite and Art)


  • Gerasimova Natalya V. Moscow Theological Academy



historiography, altar mural paintings, liturgical plots, monumental painting, Early Christian art, Byzantine art, Byzantine rite


Altar paintings are the semantic center of any monumental decoration program of the temple. At different stages of the history of the Church, they have always reflected aspects of the gist and purpose of this sacred space that have come to the fore. Byzantine rite in its historical development played a decisive role in the formation and renewal of altar painted programs. A significant number of publications have been devoted to the issue of interaction between the Liturgical Rite and mural decoration, as the most relevant in modern science. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the art studies that touch upon the interpretation of altar iconographical programs and liturgical plots in the context of their relationship with byzantine rite.


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Author Biography

Gerasimova Natalya V. , Moscow Theological Academy

PhD Student at the Department of Theory and History of Church Art at the Moscow Theological Academy Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia
Researcher at the Andrey Rublev Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art 10 building, Andronyevskaya Ploshad, 105120 Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Gerasimova Н. В. (2023). The History of the Study of the Altar Monumental Decoration of Early Christian and Byzantine Churches until the end of the XIII Century (Aspect of the Relationship between Liturgical Rite and Art). Church Art and Archaeology Review, 6(1), 13–30.