Seviotics of the Text and the Role of of the Reader in the Work «Six Walks in the Literary Woods» by Umberto Eco


  • Kalinichenko Nikolay, priest Moscow Theological Academy



semiotics, Umberto Eco, structuralism, reader, signifier, signified, text, sign-symbol, sign-index, iconic sign, author, work, interpreter, literary forest, the role of the reader, narration, structure, postmodernism


The article reveals the meaning of the term «semiotics» and gives a scientific definition of semiotics as a science, with its characteristic goals and objectives; the contribution of the main representatives of this direction to the development of semiology as a science is considered. These include: the Swiss scientist who was at the origins of the Geneva Linguistic School, who laid the foundations of semiology and structural linguistics — Ferdinand de Saussure; the American philosopher who formulated the term «pragmatics» — Charles William Morris; the founder of semiotics and pragmatism, mathematician and logician Charles Sanders Pierce. On the basis of the considered concepts, the selected works of the famous Italian writer and scientist, who made a significant contribution to both the theoretical and practical application of the scientific tools of semiotics as a methodology, Umberto Eco, are analyzed.
Using the example of the essay «Six Walks in the Literary Woods», the structure of the entire work, the type of narrative characteristic of it, and the position taken by the author himself are studied in detail.


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Author Biography

Kalinichenko Nikolay, priest , Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Kalinichenko Н. . (2021). Seviotics of the Text and the Role of of the Reader in the Work «Six Walks in the Literary Woods» by Umberto Eco. Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (1 (3), 122–130.



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