Role of the Epigraph in the Sermons of St. Philaret (Drozdov)


  • Salishchev Daniil, Priest Moscow Theological Academy; Kaluga Theological Seminary



epigraph, sermon, Bible text, Bible quote, semantics


This work is devoted to the role of epigraph in St. Philaret’s (Drozdov) homilies. We make examples, which illustrate the main functions of epigraph, such as: the expression basic theme, problem and thesis of orator’s speech. Also we state different positions, which epigraph takes in structure of Moscow archbishop’s homilies. Special attention is attended to analysis of interconnection between epigraph and other Bible texts within the scope of the same homily. The author comes to the conclusion that besides giving specific literal style to homily, such interconnections have important semantic function, enriching either the sense of the epigraph, either the
sense of bible quotes which are connected with it.


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Author Biography

Salishchev Daniil, Priest, Moscow Theological Academy; Kaluga Theological Seminary

MA in Theology, PhD student of Moscow Theological Academy, Lecturer of the Kaluga Theological Seminary
4 Naberegnaia str., Kaluga 248000, Russia


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How to Cite

Salishchev Д. (2020). Role of the Epigraph in the Sermons of St. Philaret (Drozdov). Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (1 (2), 95–109.



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