Typology of Biblical Quotations in A. A. Akhmatova’s Poem «Requiem»
Akhmatova’s «Requiem», Sacred Scripture, hymnography, typology of biblical quotations, paraphrase, reminiscence, biblical images, biblical motifs, creativityAbstract
The article is aimed to analyze the of the typology of biblical quotations in Anna Akhmatova’s poem «Requiem». It focuses on classifying quotations based on their functions and methods of integration into the text, ranging from direct citations to hidden allusions. The study explores how various forms of biblical citation, such as paraphrases and reminiscences, are used by the poet to convey the depth of personal and collective tragedy. The research reveals that these quotations serve not only as cultural references but also as means to convey the emotional content of the poem, adding to it multi-layered meanings. The study also delves into Akhmatova’s use of specific biblical images, which are crucial for understanding her creative concept and the depth of the work’s idea.
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