The Biblical Text in the Sermons of St Philaret (Drozdov) and St Gregory the Theologian: A Comparative Analysis
библейский текст, библейская цитата, аллюзия, контекст, семантика, лексемаAbstract
The article examines the variants of lexical or semantic changes of the biblical text in the sermons of St. Philaret (Drozdov) and St. Gregory the Theologian. The cases of creative reinterpretation of the Bible in the homilies of these authors are noted. The inaccurate quotation of the Bible is discussed as a peculiarity of St Gregory's literary style. The conclusion is made about the succession of this stylistic feature of the Byzantine orator by the Moscow archpastor.
Григорий Богослов, свт. Слово 38 (На Богоявление). [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 04.12.18).
Филарет (Дроздов), свт. Слова и речи. Сергиев Посад: Изд. Троиц-Сергиевой лавры, 2009. Т. 1.
Хондзинский П., прот. Святитель Филарет Московский: богословский синтез эпохи. М.: Изд. ПСТГУ, 2012.