Religious and Philosophical Aspect of the Story «Three» by Y. Mamleev
Y. Mamleev, artistic world, existence, religiosity, «interworld», philosophical aspect, «Three»Abstract
Y. Mamleev’s prose has been repeatedly considered by literary critics in the context of Orthodox axiology (M. Zhornikova, N. Kononova, R. Semykina, and other s). At the same time, the writer’s work was formed under the influence of the philosophy of existentialism. The plot of the story “Three” is based on a borderline situation. The author uses the principle of compositional parallelism, conjugating plot lines that are formally unrelated to each other. The basis for such a comparison is the understanding of the problem of life and death. Yu. Mamleev refers to the image of the zoomorphic double of the protagonist. The writer constructs an artistic model of space based on the triad of being/non-being/other being, the significant component of which is the interworld. The author transforms the traditional Christian picture of the world: in addition to earthly existence, hell and heaven, there is something more, inexpressible in human language. Death becomes the beginning of another path.
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