Biblical Source of the Poem “Hever” by V. I. Sokolovsky


  • Zheleznyak Daria R.



source of literary text, biblical context, cultural tradition, romanticism


The article considers the artistic and philosophical originality of Sokolovsky’s poem “Hever” through an appeal to the biblical source. This is associated with a functional approach to studying of the sources of an artwork, which allows not only to establish and describe the sources of the poem, but also to consider their significance in the embodiment of the idea, in the formation of an artistic whole. A fundamentally important place in our article is occupied by: the category of the genre “a concept of a person”, which reveals the specifics of a dramatic poem as a genre of the artwork; the category of cultural tradition, which allows us to consider the biblical source of “Hever” through the prism of the depiction of biblical scenes in the aesthetics of Russian romanticism; and the category of “an idea of a person”, which expresses the type of attitude to the world and turns us to the broadest historical and literary context


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Author Biography

Zheleznyak Daria R.

MA student of the North-Caucasus Federal University
1 Pushkina Street, 355017 Stavropol, Russia


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How to Cite

Zheleznyak Д. (2024). Biblical Source of the Poem “Hever” by V. I. Sokolovsky. Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (2 (9), 44–52.



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