he Legends about Theotokos of Vladimir in the Trinity’s Menaion Readers of the 17th century


  • Gorobets Nikita V.




Mienaion Reader of august by German Tulupov, Mienaion Reader of august «The Life-Giving Trinity of the Sergius Monastery, located at Makovets of Radonezh», «the sign is terrible and glorious», «about the great fire», «The story that is useful for everyone», «The story for Meeting», Theotokos of Vladimir, The legends about Theotokos of Vladimir, r, hieromonk German Tulupov the writer


The Menaias of the reading of German Tulupov remain at the moment a little-studied literary monument of Ancient Rus’. The purpose of this work was to identify discrepancies in the texts of the legends dedicated to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in the menaias of the readings of German Tulupov and in the menaias of the readings “The Life-Giving Trinity of the Sergius Monastery, ilk in Makovets of Radonezh”. In the course of the work, a significant difference was revealed in the texts of the three legends dedicated to Theotokos of Vladimir in Menaion Readers by German Tulupov and the text of the legends about Theotokos of Vladimir in Menaion Reader of august “The Life-Giving Trinity of the Sergius Monastery, located at Makovets of Radonezh”. According to the previous studies, it was generally accepted that Menaion Readers of “The Life-Giving Trinity of the Sergius Monastery, located at Makovets of Radonezh” were written off from the Mienaion Reader of august by German Tulupov, however, this study allows
us to make adjustments to this idea.


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Author Biography

Gorobets Nikita V.

MA student at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Gorobets Н. (2024). he Legends about Theotokos of Vladimir in the Trinity’s Menaion Readers of the 17th century. Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (1 (8), 30–44. https://doi.org/10.31802/WI.2022.8.1.003



Slavic-Russian Scribbleness and Literature of the XI-XVII Centuries.
