Singer and Hymnographer of the 16th century, Hegumen Markell Bezborody


  • Khachapuridze Konstantin A.



Hegumen Markell Bezborodyj, hymnography of Hegumen Markell Bezborodyj, service to Varlaam and Joasaph, hagiography of Savva Storozhevsky, canons and service to St. Nikita of Novgorod, service to Venerable Nikita the Pillar of Pereslavl, acrostic of Hegumen Markell, acrostic riddle, homony (separate speech), chant reform, Macarius Councils


This article focuses on the work of hegumen Markell Bezborodyj, which was remarkable for its striking originality. The person of Markell Bezborodyj and his work were underestimated during his lifetime and are unknown to many even these days. This study presents the biography of hegumen Markellos in a more coherent and expanded form than other sources. The paper describes the distinctive features of his talent: rhyme, a special content of verses and canticles and the acrostic enigma. The article tells about the uniqueness and amazing talent of the Russian singer, a self-taught hymnographer, chant and church poet, hegumen Markell Bezborodyj.


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Author Biography

Khachapuridze Konstantin A.

MA at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Khachapuridze К. (2024). Singer and Hymnographer of the 16th century, Hegumen Markell Bezborody. Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (1 (8), 19–29.



Slavic-Russian Scribbleness and Literature of the XI-XVII Centuries.
