Numerical Symbology in Zechariah’s Visions and Structure of Zech. 1–6


  • Belsky Vladimir V. Moscow Theological Academy



visions of the prophet Zechariah, the prophetic books of the Old Testament, numerical symbolism, numerology, the Old Testament priesthood, the Second Temple, apocalyptic literature of Judaism


The article discussed the question of the use of numerical symbolism in the visions of the prophet Zechariah (Zech. 1, 7 — 6, 15). Particular attention is paid to the possible connection of the numbers mentioned in this passage of the biblical book with the composition of visions. At the beginning of the article, various points of view of scientists on the number of visions of the prophet Zechariah are given, attention is focused on the concepts of A. Jepsen and H.-G. Schöttler. The author analyzes in detail all the numbers that appear in the visions of Zechariah, making an exception only for the historical date and the numbers associated with it. The symbolism of these numbers is considered in the context of prophetic writing and other sacred Old Testament books. The idea is substantiated that if the inspired author was guided by numerical symbolism in structuring the text of visions, then the composition of the sevenfold cycle and two other visions that are not included in this cycle would be preferable.


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Author Biography

Belsky Vladimir V. , Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Head of International Department at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Belsky В. В. . (2022). Numerical Symbology in Zechariah’s Visions and Structure of Zech. 1–6. Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (3 (5), 108–120.



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