The Experience of Philological Analysis of the Sermon by Methods of Content-thematic and Stylistic Analysis (Based on the Sermon of the Priest Alexander Zhdanov on the Day of the Memory of the Icon of the Mother of God «Joy of All the Sorrowful»)


  • Zlobin Alexey, priest Moscow Theological Academy



Sermon, Tambov clergy, tropes, figures of speech, the subject of the sermon, the subject of speech


In this article, the author examines, in connection with the topic, the main features of the use of figures of speech and tropes in the sermon of priest Alexander Zhdanov. For the analysis, a typical sermon of a priest of the Tambov diocese of the late 19th — early 20th century was chosen. This period is not chosen by chance. At that time, church life and issues of doctrine were not sufficiently covered, radio was not yet widely used, and there were simply no other most operational means of transmitting information. Therefore, pastors paid special attention to the quality of the sermon, its structure and content. The analysis of the sermon is intended to show how two heterogeneous analyses can complement each other: thematic and stylistic.


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Author Biography

Zlobin Alexey, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Zlobin А. (2022). The Experience of Philological Analysis of the Sermon by Methods of Content-thematic and Stylistic Analysis (Based on the Sermon of the Priest Alexander Zhdanov on the Day of the Memory of the Icon of the Mother of God «Joy of All the Sorrowful»). Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (3 (5), 98–107.



Методология языкознания и литературоведения
