On the Question of the Feat of Standing on the Pillar of St. Nikita, Pereslavl Wonderworker


  • Zinkevich Tatiana E. Russian State Library




pillars, lives of the saints, pillar, Nikita Pereslavsky


The article emphasizes the ascetic feat of the eastern pillars as part of their long standing on the pillars and their life expectancy on the basis of manuscript sources of the Manuscript Department of the Russian State Library. In the life of the Russian pillar of St. Nikita Pereslavsky, there is no data on how many years he lived and how much time he spent on the pillar. In the article, on the basis of the lists of the life of the saint, the annals of the Nikitsky Pereslavl Monastery and some other sources, for the first time a hypothesis is put forward about how many years he has been on the pillar of St. Nikita Pereslavsky and how much he lived until his tragic death.


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Author Biography

Zinkevich Tatiana E. , Russian State Library

PhD in Philology, Leading Archivist of the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library

3/5, st. Vozdvizhenka, Moscow 119019, Russia



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How to Cite

Zinkevich Т. Е. . (2022). On the Question of the Feat of Standing on the Pillar of St. Nikita, Pereslavl Wonderworker. Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (3 (5), 23–29. https://doi.org/10.31802/WI.2021.5.3.002



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