Linguistic Features of the Monument of the Slavic-Russian Hymnography of the 15th Century «Kondaki with Ikosy to St. John Chrysostom»


  • Priest Ioann Perminov Moscow Theological Academy



«Kondaki with ikosy to St. John Chrysostom», akathist, Old Russian bookishness, Slavic-Russian hymnography, Martyry Pechersky


The article is devoted to the linguistic study of the monument of the Slavic-Russian hymnography of the middle of the 15th century — «Kondaki with ikosy to St. John Chrysostom». The following characteristics of the text of this work are considered: the author’s adherence to the traditions of the genre, some linguistic features of the author’s style, and an analysis of the functioning of verb forms is presented on the example of one kondak.


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Author Biography

Priest Ioann Perminov, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Perminov И. . (2022). Linguistic Features of the Monument of the Slavic-Russian Hymnography of the 15th Century «Kondaki with Ikosy to St. John Chrysostom». Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (2 (4), 13–20.