Martyrius-Sahdona. “On the True Faith and the Firm Confession of Orthodoxy”

Translated from Syriac with an Introduction and Notes


  • Maxim (Sudakov Mark), hierodeacon Danilov Monastery



Syriac literature, Martyrius-Sahdona, the «Book of Perfection», confession of faith, Christology, the Church of the East, Nestorianism


This is a translation from Syriac into Russian of a fragment of the «Book of Perfection», a large ascetic treatise. The author of the book, Martyrius-Sahdona, a bishop in the Church of the East, is a 7th century East-Syrian writer. He is known as a teacher of monks and famous spiritual author. He is especially distinguished by his controversy with the Church of the East, after he begun to teach about one hypostasis of the Christ. For this reason, he was disgowned and anathematized. The «Book of Perfection» is preserved in at least two manuscripts, the earliest of which originates from the Beth-Mar-Moshe Monastery of Mount Sinai and is dated by 837 AC (Argent. 4116). In the 1960s the «Book of Perfection» was published along with some other known Sahdona’s writings. At the same time corresponding translations into French were issued. The christological teaching of Sahdona, which has been attracting attention of researchers from the earliest times hitherto, is mainly contained in the present fragment of the «Book of Perfection». Besides christological aspects, it also contains doctrines of the Trinity, of the universal resurrection, and of the Last Judgement, along with considerations on the relationship between faith and morality. The introduction presents brief biographic and literary information and outlines the main subjects of the fragment. The translation is supplemented with a glossary of the main terms and a commentary indicating sources of citations in the text (foremost biblical) and explaining the translation.


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Author Biography

Maxim (Sudakov Mark), hierodeacon, Danilov Monastery

MA in Theology, St. Daniel Monastery of Moscow, Metochion of the Transfiguration

Podmoklovo village, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 142200, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Sudakov М. (2020). Martyrius-Sahdona. “On the True Faith and the Firm Confession of Orthodoxy”: Translated from Syriac with an Introduction and Notes. Theological Questions, (2 (4), 73–105.



