From Time to Eternity: On the Eighth Day of the Resurrection and the Meeting with The Risen One


  • Shlenov, Dionisy, hegumen Moscow Theological Academy



Bridegroom, Eighth Day, eternity, Great Saturday, Lord’s Day, Pascha, Resurrection, millennium


The article analyzes a number of concepts of the church liturgical circle in Greek Christian literature with an emphasis on patristic teaching, in which the spiritual-ascetic, theological and eschatological aspects are closely intertwined. On the example of the doctrine of the Eighth Day, which has an obvious Paschal character, it is shown that the Holy Fathers have a single way of thinking which encourages them to contemplatively formulate the most important spiritual meanings. The constant strive for spiritual resurrection urges one to pay special attention to the historical fact of the Resurrection of Christ, which is mysteriously repeated in the annual, weekly and daily liturgical cycles. In the world to come, the right to enter the Lord’s Day, or the chosen holy day (also called the Eighth Day — the day which is the last and at the same time the first one), will be granted to those who, during their lifetime, strived to — and managed to — truly partake of the true joy of the Resurrection.


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Author Biography

Shlenov, Dionisy, hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Professor at the Department of Philology


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How to Cite

Shlenov Д. (2021). From Time to Eternity: On the Eighth Day of the Resurrection and the Meeting with The Risen One. Theological Questions, (1 (5), 67–102.



