
  • Praxis
    No. 4 (13) (2023)

    Praxis: scientific journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing house Moscow Theological Academy, 2023. — № 4 (13). — 156 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISSN 2658-6517

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2023.13.4

  • Praxis
    No. 3 (12) (2023)

    Praxis: scientific journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing house Moscow Theological Academy, 2023. — № 3 (12). — 204 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISSN 2658-6517

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2023.12.3

  • Praxis
    No. 2 (11) (2023)

    Praxis: scientific journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing house Moscow Theological Academy, 2023. — № 2 (11). — 200 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISSN 2658-6517

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2023.11.2

  • Praxis
    No. 1 (10) (2023)

    Praxis: scientific journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing House of the Moscow Theological Academy, 2023. 1 (10). 164 p.   Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. P24-322-0535   DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2023.10.1
  • Praxis
    No. 2 (9) (2022)

    Praxis: scientific journal / Moscow Theological Academy. - Sergiev Posad: Publishing House
    Moscow Theological Academy, 2022. 2 (9). 240 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISP P23-312-0320

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2022.9.2

  • Praxis
    No. 1 (8) (2022)

    Praxis: scientific journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing house Moscow Theological Academy, 2022. 1 (8). 268 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISP P23-308-0218

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2022.8.1

  • Praxis
    No. 2 (7) (2021)

    Praxis: Scientific Journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing House of Moscow Theological Academy, 2021. No. 2 (7). 266 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church ISS Р23-220-0428

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2021.7.2

  • Praxis
    No. 1 (6) (2021)

    Praxis: Scientific Journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing House of Moscow Theological Academy, 2021. No. 1 (6). 236 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISS Р22-124-0563

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2021.6.1

  • Praxis
    No. 3 (5) (2020)

    Praxis: Scientific Journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing House of Moscow Theological Academy, 2020. No. 3 (5). 232 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISS P21-023-0602

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2020.5.3

  • Praxis
    No. 2 (4) (2020)

    Praxis: Scientific Journal / Moscow Theological Academy. — Sergiev Posad: Publishing house of the Moscow Theological Academy, 2020. — № 2 (4). — 276 с.

    Recommended for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISS P21-021-0573

    DOI: 10.31802/PRAXIS.2020.4.2

  • Praxis
    No. 1 (3) (2020)

    Praxis: Scientific Journal / Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing House of the Moscow Theological Academy, 2020. № 1 (3). 288 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISS P20-001-0003

    DOI 10.31802/2658-6517-2020-1-3

  • Praxis
    No. 2 (2) (2019)

    Praxis: scientific journal / Moscow Theological Academy. — Sergiev Posad: Publishing House of the Moscow Theological Academy, 2019. — T. 2. — № 2. — 240 p.

    Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
    ISP P19-912-0478

    DOI 10.31802/2658-6517-2020-2-2

  • Praxis
    No. 1 (1) (2019)

    Praxis / Scientific Journal of the Moscow Theological Academy. Sergiev Posad: Publishing House of Moscow Theological Academy, 2019. — Issue 1. — 304 p.