Canonical Boundaries of the Orthodox Mission on the Internet: Raising Questions


  • Priest Victor Lenok Moscow Theological Academy



mission, Orthodox Mission, orthodox mission on the Internet, internet mission, canons of the Orthodox Church, canonical boundaries of the Orthodox Mission, public sermon, preaching on the internet


The present study attempts to raise the main issues related to the modern Orthodox
mission on the Internet. It is proposed to pay attention to the canonical aspects of the regulation
of the Orthodox mission on the network. Examples are given of both the canonically legitimate
Internet mission and the mission violating the canons of the Orthodox Church, and the consequences
of such violations. It is proposed to study what forms of the Orthodox mission on the Internet
are permissible and unacceptable for laity, priests and monastics, as well as who and what has the
right to speak on behalf of the Church online. The question of the target audience of the modern
Orthodox Internet mission and the question of its canonical borders is raised.
As an illustrative material, the most modern international Internet platforms on which the
Russian-speaking Orthodox mission is conducted, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and others,
are taken. As examples of the mission, speeches on the Internet of bishops, priests and laity of
the Russian Orthodox Church 2019–2020 are taken.


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Author Biography

Priest Victor Lenok, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD student
at the Department of Church Practical Disciplines
at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Lenok В. (2021). Canonical Boundaries of the Orthodox Mission on the Internet: Raising Questions. Praxis, (3 (5), 191–213. PRAXIS.2020.5.3.015.



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