The «Znamenny Life» as a Condtion for Learning the Orthodox Chant


  • Tatyana V. Panteleeva Moscow Theological Academy



Russian Church signing, Liturgy, Znamenny Chant, medieval studies, study methodology, learning the Liturgy Chants, аrchpriest Boris Nikolaev, moral image of a scholar, the Znamenny spiritual state


The study of Archpriest Boris Nikolaev «The Znamenny Chant and Hooked Notation
as the Basis of Russian Orthodox Church Singing», published in Russia in 1995, presents not only
scientific but also practical interest. The range of issues raised in the monograph goes beyond the
stated topic, covering many aspects of liturgy, including the study methodology. In the attempt to
comprehend the essence of the church chant, Archpriest B. Nikolaev suggests turning to the «musical

philosophy» of the entire corps of ancient chants, and proposes, as the main method of scientific
research, to proceed from the theological nature of church service, without confining the study
to musical-theoretical or historical-archaeological disciplines. The problem of understanding the
profound meaning of liturgical singing is an urgent one for the modern society, and according to
according to Archpriest Boris Nikolaev it may find its resolution only through the personal moral
development of each society member. Meanwhile the very appeal to the ancient chants contributes
to the spiritual purification and transformation.


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Author Biography

Tatyana V. Panteleeva, Moscow Theological Academy

Senior Teacher at the Department of Church Practictical Disciplines
at the Department of Pastoral Theology
Lecturer at the Church Singing Department
at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Panteleeva Т. В. (2021). The «Znamenny Life» as a Condtion for Learning the Orthodox Chant. Praxis, (3 (5), 163–176.⁄Praflis.2020.5.3.011



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