Closing of the Museum in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul as a Violation of the Obligations of the Republic of Turkey Under International Law


  • Aleksandr M. Solntsev Moscow Theological Academy



Hagia Sophia, international law, human rights, cultural human rights, freedom of religion, christianity


In July 2020, following the relevant decision of the Turkish court, the President
of the country adopted a decree to close the museum in the building of the Hagia Sophia and
open a mosque in it. For 916 years this temple was Christian, during 481 it was Muslim, and for
the last 86 years it has been a museum. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The article analyzes
these actions of Turkey from the point of view of international law and the Constitution of
the Republic of Turkey. While the secularization of the Turkish Republic has made it possible for
people of all faiths and non-religious persons to access Hagia Sophia on equal terms, the current
regression regarding the implementation of secularism in Turkey raises concerns and speaks of
a violation of international obligations, including the provisions of international treaties ratified
The Republic of Turkey, namely: the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural
and Natural Heritage of 1972; The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms of 1950 and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights of 1966. The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for
Basic Research within the framework of scientific project № 18-011-00292.


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Author Biography

Aleksandr M. Solntsev, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Law
Associate Professor at the Department of International Law
at the People's Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)


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How to Cite

Solntsev А. М. . (2021). Closing of the Museum in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul as a Violation of the Obligations of the Republic of Turkey Under International Law. Praxis, (3 (5), 55–70.



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