The Cretan Cathedral: the View of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Критский собор, Сербская Православная Церковь, Всеправославный Собор, СветигораAbstract
In this review we will introduce you the works published on the occasion of the Pan-Orthodox Council in Crete in 2016. We shall pay attention to the content of the monographs The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church and the Pan-Orthodox Council. And also on the diary of the Serbian bishop who participated in the Council. Books can be useful to everyone who analyzes the Cretan Council and who wants to get acquainted with the activities of the Serbian Orthodox Church before and during this event.
Дневник са Сабора. Епископ западноамерички Максим. Алхамбра: Севастијан прес, 2016.
Постановления Освященного Архиерейского Собора Русской Православной Церкви (29 ноября — 2 декабря 2017 года) // ЖМП. 2018. №1. С. 60–67.
Свеправославни Сабор — Богословски допринос Српске Православне Цркве. Београд: Светигора, 2016.
Свети и Велики Сабор Православне Цркве. Учешће и сведочење Српске Православне Цркве на Критском сабору о Педесетници 2016. Цетиње; Београд: Светигора, 2017.
Viorel I. Toward the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church. The Decisions of the Pan-Orthodox Meetings since 1923 until 2009. Fribourg: Institut for Ecumenical Studies University of Fribourg, 2014.
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