Canons: between sacred and current law


  • Sapsai Nikolai Grigorievich Moscow Theological Academy; Theology Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the Belgrade University



canon law, church canons, changeability of canons


With this article, we continue to analyze one of the main problems of modern canon law - the lack of clearly defined criteria for the relevance and applicability of church canons today in the Orthodox Church. The lack of consensus on these criteria has opened the possibility of manipulating canons to achieve certain goals. They are neglected by both secular rulers and, unfortunately, church hierarchs. The role and significance of the canons, which are the essence of church law, in resolving actual issues in the Orthodox world, is worth more than one article. Therefore, for starters, the article presents the views of some authoritative theologians and canonists of the XX-XXI centuries in relation to the issue of the immutability of canons. The content is based on the principle of comparing two approaches to this issue: conservative and progressive. The article does not imply a ready-made answer to such a complex and actual question. By analyzing the opinions of experts in church law, we will try to present the current state of the issue of the application of canons.


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Author Biography

Sapsai Nikolai Grigorievich, Moscow Theological Academy; Theology Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the Belgrade University

МА student at the Department of Church Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy, MA student at the Theology Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the Belgrade University

Mije Kovacevica 11b, Belgrade 11060, Serbia


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Петр (Л'Юилье), архиеп. Правила первых четырех Вселенских Соборов. М.: Сретенский монастырь, 2005.

Священный Собор Православной Российской Церкви. Деяния. Кн. 3. М.: Соборный Совет, 1918.

Суворов Н. С. Курс церковного права. Ярославль: Князь-Владимирский собор, 1889.



How to Cite

Sapsai Н. . (2021). Canons: between sacred and current law. Praxis, (1 (3), 243–260.



Juvenalis. Masters and postgraduate studies


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