Missionary issues in the works and decisions of the Local Council 1917-1918


  • Pimenov Sergey Alexandrovich Moscow Theological Academy




All-Russian Local Cathedral of 1917-1918, Russian Orthodox Church, missionary activity


The local Council of 1917-1918 is of great importance for the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. Despite the past century separating us from the events of that era, its role is not fully understood and appreciated. His legacy needs serious and thoughtful research, and many of the ideas expressed then would be useful today. One of the main problems that was put on the agenda of the meeting of the local Council of 1917-1918 is the Missionary activity of the Church. Since the XVIII century this question had bacame the cornerstone in Russia because the Church’s mission became noticeable decline. This was due to, first of all, the fact that the Church mission did not have a centralized organization, with the help of which this activity would be not episodic, but regular. The aim of this article is a detailed consideration of missionary issues in the works and decisions of the local Council of 1917-1918. In the course of the study, the author highlights the problems of the Orthodox Mission in Russia in the early XX century, analyzes the main documents and resolutions of the Council relating to this topic, and raises the question of their viability today.


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Author Biography

Pimenov Sergey Alexandrovich, Moscow Theological Academy

master's student of the Department of Church and Practical Disciplines
Moscow Theological Academy
141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad
Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Academy


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How to Cite

Pimenov С. А. (2021). Missionary issues in the works and decisions of the Local Council 1917-1918. Praxis, (1 (3), 226–242. https://doi.org/10.31802/2658-6517-2020-1-3-226-242



Juvenalis. Masters and postgraduate studies
