Restoration of the Institute of Deaconesses in the Alexandrian Orthodox Church


  • Andrey A. Zotin



deaconess, minister, liturgical tradition, Cathedral Services, Discrimination, Persecution, Canons, Alexandria, Byzantium, Africa


Deaconesses are one of the degrees of the church hierarchy and ministry in the Church of Christ. This institution was formed gradually during the first centuries. The ministry of deaconesses was spread mainly in the Eastern Churches from IV to VII–VIII century. From the women's urban ascetic communities, virgins and widows could be made deaconesses by the bishop upon reaching the required age. They performed social, missionary and liturgical duties of ministers in the capitals of dioceses, administrative centers, large cities of the Empire, while being at cathedrals and large churches. For example, in Constantinople, under the Holy Emperor Justinian, the Hagia Sophia after its consecration was determined 40 deaconesses. By the 12th century, the rank of deaconess had fallen out of use. On November 16, 2016, the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria decided to revive the institute of deaconesses. On February 17, 2017, Patriarch Theodore II ordained several women to be deaconesses who would help in missionary activities Of the Katanga Metropolia (Diocese of the Alexandrian Church in the Congo), especially in the Sacrament Baptisms of adults, weddings, as well as in the catechetical activities of the Church.


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Author Biography

Andrey A. Zotin

PhD student at the Department of Church Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Zotin А. (2021). Restoration of the Institute of Deaconesses in the Alexandrian Orthodox Church. Praxis, (1 (3), 201–209.



Juvenalis. Masters and postgraduate studies


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