Discussion of the reform of spiritual education at the Pre-Council Presence in 1906
spiritual education, spiritual school, Bishop Arseny (Stadnitsky), reform, seminaries, Pre-Council Presence, schoolAbstract
The maintenance of a proper level of spiritual education is one of the most
significant tasks of the Church; therefore, many reforms and changes occur in its educational
sphere. Because of that, it seems relevant to comprehend the evolution of the spiritual education
in the Russian Orthodox Church and to understand the problems of the religious schools that the
Church administration tried to resolve. This may also be considered as an opportunity to evaluate
the reception of the decisions taken by the clergy in an historical perspective.The article presents
a study on the Fifth Pre-Conciliar Presence of 1906, which was dedicated to the reforms of the
theological education in decline. Various ways have been proposed to overcome the current
crisis. All the proposed solutions and the course of their discussion are presented in this article
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