Hieromartyr Peter (Zverev) as an example of a true shepherd in hymnographic creativity


  • Ioann (Samoilov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy


new martyrs, Hieromartyr Peter (Zverev), Solovetsky archipelago, hymnography, hymnographic text


The past century, characterized by the rule of an atheistic government and
anti-religious propaganda, has become a challenge for the Russian Orthodox Church, but at
the same time gave rise to a host of saints–the new martyrs. Among them, a special place is
occupied by the Holy Martyr Peter (Zverev), the reverent Archpastor, an experienced mentor and a
highly moral person. On his personal example, he showed the practical fulfillment of the gospel
commandments and suffered for Christ, having contracted typhus in exile in the Solovetsky
archipelago and died on the island of Anzer. His life is remarkable for us by the courageous
transfer of hardships and sufferings, the wise leadership of spiritual children, the uncomplaining
bearing of his cross. A logical step after the canonization of the Hieromartyr Peter at the bishops
' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000 was the writing of liturgical texts:
troparion, kondak, prayer, and then the service. This publication is devoted to the analysis of
these hymnographic texts from the point of view of the description of the image of the true
shepherd in it.


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Author Biography

Ioann (Samoilov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology,
Associate Professor of the Department of Church Practical Disciplines
Moscow Theological Academy
Sergiev Posad, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Academy
i-samojlov @ yandex. ru


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How to Cite

Samoilov И. (2021). Hieromartyr Peter (Zverev) as an example of a true shepherd in hymnographic creativity. Praxis, (1 (1), 125–142. Retrieved from https://publishing.mpda.ru/index.php/praxis/article/view/656



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