Legal Status of Оbjects of Religious Purpose and Their Property in Prism of Securty Law


  • Yakunin Alexander S. Moscow Theological Academy



religious property, Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2010 “About the Transfer of State — or Municipal Property for Religious Purposes to Religious Organizations”


The article reveals the legal possibilities, conditions and bases for the return of religious property, which isowned by the state and subjected to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federationto religious organizations. The most promising and quick way to get information about the problems of the transfer of religious property is studying the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the legal status of religious property owned by the state or municipality, specifically the Federal law № 327-FZ of 30.11.2010 «About thetransfer of state- or municipal property for religious purposes to religious organizations». This law grants special rights to religious organizations in the sphere of property relations. There have been many cases of applying this Federal law, which is currently 10 years old. But until now the state authorities have facedmany difficult issues with religious organizations, trying to implement the rights granted by Federal law № 327‑FZ of 30.11.2010 «About the transfer of state- or municipal property for religious purposes to religious organizations». An analysis of this draft law can provide detailed information about the topic in question. What property is classified as religious property? What are the main problems implementing the law of the transfer of religious property to religious organizations? What are the main criteria for refusing such transfer of property for ownership or gratuitous use to a religious organization? This article attempts to answer these and other questions.


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Author Biography

Yakunin Alexander S., Moscow Theological Academy

МА student at the Department of Church Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Yakunin А. С. (2020). Legal Status of Оbjects of Religious Purpose and Their Property in Prism of Securty Law. Praxis, (2 (4), 211–222.



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