Омовения и помовения
ablution, lustration, priest’s service book, Liturgy, spitting, Eucharist, Divine service, liturgical practice, priesthoodAbstract
The article is dedicated to etymology of the words «ablution» and «lustration». The author shows a gross difference between the abovementioned concepts by dint of liturgical notions and historical philosophies, applies to great Church’s saints and figures. The mainstay of the essay is empirical method which includes the analysis of chapter 54 from the Typicon written by archbishop of Novgorod Gennady, the scholastic news which are the appendix of the Priest’s Service Book, «Desk book of priest» by Bulgakov S. V. and «Explanatory Typicon» by Skaballanovich M. N.; the analysis of received information and observation. This essay contains the difference between modern Typicon and Typicon written by archbishop of Novgorod Gennady in XVI century. This difference regards the instructions about reverent practical attitude to the process before, during and after Eucharist for people and clergy. There is a semantic distinction between the words «ablution » and «lustration» in the article. The author shows important emphasis about priest, who takes communion in Eucharist. This priest should get down to any business, but he should be in pray, meditate and abstain from excessive eating, drinking and sleeping. All these restrictions are for the sake of love and honor to our Heaven’s Father — Lord Jesus Christ, because priest, who takes communion in Eucharist, becomes part of God’s soul and body.
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