Features of an Employment Contract in Religious Organizations


  • Andrey Yu. Varezhkin Moscow Theological Academy




religious organization, employment contract, employer, employee, age limit, discrimination, labor relations


Religious organizations have a special legal status in the Russian Federation, and therefore they have a number of features. Labor relations in religious organizations, as in all others, are regulated by an employment contract, but contain a number of special provisions related to the specifics of the activities carried out by religious organizations and their special legal status. It is precisely these special clauses of the employment contract concluded in religious organizations that this article is devoted to. First of all, it examines the main legal acts regulating the scope of labor relations in religious organizations, as well as the requirements that apply to the parties to the employment contract. In particular, the age limit for employees established by law, as well as the need for them to comply with internal regulations. In addition, the article examines the special status of clergy within the framework of labor relations. The author examines the form and terms of concluding an employment contract, the procedure for making changes to it and the reasons for termination, including dismissal in the event of an employee’s failure to comply with internal regulations, which is not discrimination.


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Author Biography

Andrey Yu. Varezhkin, Moscow Theological Academy

MA Student at the Department of Ecclesiastical and Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Varezhkin А. . (2024). Features of an Employment Contract in Religious Organizations. Praxis, (1 (14), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.31802/PRAXIS.2024.14.1.007



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