The Question of the Place of the Sermon in the Divine Liturgy in the Context of the Views of Hierarchs and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church
Divine Liturgy, sermon, sermon in the Synodal period, St. Filaret of Moscow, St. Innocent of Kherson, sermon in the Modern period, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (Blum)Abstract
The article examines the issue of the place of liturgical preaching in the context of the views of the bishops and primates of the Russian Orthodox Church. Analyzing the written heritage and practice of the episcopal ministry of the elected archpastors of the Synodal and Modern periods, the author comes to the conclusion that the primates and hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church were much more interested in the content of the sermon, the methodology of its preparation, the preacher's attitude to preaching as an important element of worship. The place of the sermon in the liturgical sequence is variable and depends, as a rule, on the established liturgical tradition or the content of the sermon.
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