Legal Hermeneutics and Canon Commentary


  • Аrchpriest Alexander Zadornov Moscow Theological Academy



philosophy of canon law, canonical hermeneutics, interpretation of laws, canonical commentary


The presentation at the IV Justinian Readings (MDA, November 27, 2023) is devoted to the main characteristics of legal hermeneutics and their significance for the formation of canonical hermeneutics. Originating as a legacy of the tradition of legal interpretation in Roman law, canonical hermeneutics is necessary for modern legal proceedings and legislative activity of the Church, but for this purpose it is necessary to identify consensual principles of its ecclesiastical status.


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Author Biography

Аrchpriest Alexander Zadornov, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology

Head at the Department of Ecclesiastical and Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

Associate professor of the Sretensky Theological Academy

Assistant Professor of Church and Practical Studies Department Saints Cyril and Methodius Church-wide Post-graduate and Post-graduate Studies

Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Zadornov А. . (2024). Legal Hermeneutics and Canon Commentary. Praxis, (1 (14), 97–106.



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