Episcopal Ministry in the Pre-Nicene Period of Church History: From the Head of the Christian Community to the Head of the Metropolis
Episcopal ministry, bishop, chorepiscopos, metropolitan, presbyter, primate, Christian community, transposition of cultic categories, Roman EmpireAbstract
In today's reality, it is quite common to see attempts to identify the modern episcopal ministry with the ministry of the bishop in the apostolic period. Most often in such statement’s references are made to the books of Holy Scripture of the New Testament, as well as to the earliest monuments of Christian writing, in which the episcopal rank is mentioned. This, in turn, indicates insufficient knowledge of this issue, as well as its limited coverage in Russian scientific literature. The purpose of this study was to examine the episcopal ministry in the first four centuries and its transposition throughout the period. The article considers the main reasons for the change in the ministry of the primate of the Christian community. Both external and internal factors that influenced the transposition of the episcopal ministry are analyzed. Examples of the evaluation of this ministry in the most authoritative monuments of Christian writing of the pre-Nicene period are given.
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