Overview of the canonic confines of preaching on the internet space


  • Рriest Victor Lenok Moscow Theological Academy




Internet space, preaching, canonical rules, statistical analysis of activities, adaptation, media


Modern living conditions more and more confirm that the individuality of the individual in the individual space grows over time. However, as always, the new field challenges well-established practices and even some canons — therefore, it is necessary to consistently address the problems of bringing the Good News on the Internet. The article is not intended to describe all the main basic and applied ones that are available to the author — more, along with this provided statistical analysis of the already introduced (and for a long time) analysis. The presentation of this material is intended to draw the attention of both pastors and clergy to the problem of preaching Orthodoxy on the Internet, and also suggests the results of the activities of the pioneers in this field for reflection. The result of the research carried out within the framework of writing the article should be the formation of an accessible vector for the study of this issue for an ordinary person — since following the path of globalization at the moment seems to be the only one, one should get the maximum benefit from the current conditions, and involve a significant cluster of those involved in preaching in solving the problems that arise people.


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Author Biography

Рriest Victor Lenok, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD student at the Department

of Ecclesiastical and Practical Disciplines

at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra,

Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Lenok В. . (2022). Overview of the canonic confines of preaching on the internet space. Praxis, (1 (8), 125–138. https://doi.org/10.31802/PRAXIS.2022.8.1.010



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