Primacy and Sobornost: the view of Russian theologians
primacy in the Church, sobornost, the problem of autocephaly, Russian theologyAbstract
The article analyses the content of two collections on the problem of primacy and sobornost in the Church, published in Russia in 2022–2023. The article analyses the content of two collections on the problem of primacy and sobornost in the Church, published in Russia in 2022–2023. The general trends in reflection on the topic of sobornost as a theological, cultural and historical concept are traced, and the canonical aspect of the concept of primacy and inter-Orthodox relations is noted.
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Об искажении православного учения о Церкви в деяниях иерархии Константинопольского Патриархата и выступлениях его представителей // Официальный сайт Русской Православной Церкви. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 01.08.2023).
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Причины и вызовы текущего кризиса межправославных отношений: Материалы научно-практической конференции (ПСТГУ, 25–26 февраля 2019 года). М.: Изд. ПСТГУ, 2020.
Primacy in the church: the office of primate and the authority of councils / J. Chryssavgis, ed. Yonkers. Vol. 1: Historical and theological perspectives. New York: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2016.
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