State requirements for sports facilities in educational institutions of higher theological education


  • Leskin Petr A. Perervinsky Theological Seminary; Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church



sports facilities, physical culture and sports, sports in higher theological education, legislation on sports facilities


The article is devoted to the analysis of the main documents related to the requirements for sports facilities in educational institutions of higher education. The article outlines federal laws and other regulatory documents that establish requirements for conducting physical culture and sports classes in higher educational institutions. Further, the basic requirements for premises for sports activities are analyzed, among which the territory, related premises and requirements for them, requirements for the volumetric characteristics of the sports hall, the coatings used and the location of sports equipment are considered.


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Author Biography

Leskin Petr A., Perervinsky Theological Seminary; Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church

Head of the Educational and Methodological Department Perervinsky Theological Seminary, Secretary of the First Deputy Chairman The Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church

109383 Moscow, Shosseynaya str., 82, p. 1


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How to Cite

Leskin П. А. (2023). State requirements for sports facilities in educational institutions of higher theological education. Praxis, (1 (10), 55–64.



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