Application of the regulations of the Holy Apostles in the modern practice of priest ordering in the Russian Orthodox Church


  • Shabalov George, priest Moscow Theological Academy



ordination, presbyter ordination, canonical norms, application of canonical rules


One of the most important aspects of church life is the celebration of the Sacraments of the Church. Among them is the celebration of the Sacrament of the Priesthood, in which, through the laying on of bishops, the ordained person is given from God the power to serve and perform various church rites. The sacrament is also called ordination, which in translation from the Church Slavonic language means ordination. Consecration is considered the most important act of placing on a sacred degree, which originates from the holy apostles. This work is devoted to the study of the canonical rules regarding the appointment to the presbyter in the modern practice of the Russian Orthodox Church. Presbyterian consecration has been continuously performed for almost 2000 years, and originates from the apostolic age. Historically, the content of the rites of consecration and canonical conditions have changed, but in essence remained the same. The problem of using canonical rules is not currently a new topic. For more than a hundred years, the theme of the application of the rules in modern practice has been discussed with particular intensity in the church environment. The application of the rules of the canonical corpus in the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church requires detailed consideration.


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Author Biography

Shabalov George, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

MA Student at the Department of Ecclesiastical and Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Shabalov Г. (2022). Application of the regulations of the Holy Apostles in the modern practice of priest ordering in the Russian Orthodox Church. Praxis, (2 (9), 171–183.



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