“Rochester report” as a basis for debates on women’s episcopate in the Church of England in the XXI century


  • Kokosh Artemy, priest Sretenskaya Theological Academy; Nikolo-Ugreshskaya Theological Seminary




women’s episcopate, Church of England, Rochester report, Anglican Church, consecration of women, women’s priesthood, women’s ordination


One of the hottest issues in the Anglican Church since the second half of the 20th century has been the problem of women’s priesthood. The Church of England has been one of the most conservative Anglican churches, hence the discussions on women’s priesthood in the Church of England were quite intense and lengthy. This article examines the disputes on women's episcopate in the Church of England in the 21st century. The article focuses on the activity of the working group chaired by Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir-Ali and on the 300-page “Rochester Report” presented in 2004, which summarizes key considerations on women's episcopate in the Church of England. The article presents the relevant discussions at the General Synod of the Church of England, as well as the consequences of the decision to remove legal obstacles to the ordination of women to the episcopate.


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Author Biography

Kokosh Artemy, priest, Sretenskaya Theological Academy; Nikolo-Ugreshskaya Theological Seminary

магистр богословия, магистр экономики, аспирант Сретенской духовной академии, преподаватель Николо-Угрешской духовной семинарии,

107031, Москва, ул. Большая Лубянка, 19.



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How to Cite

Kokosh А. (2022). “Rochester report” as a basis for debates on women’s episcopate in the Church of England in the XXI century. Praxis, (2 (9), 95–107. https://doi.org/10.31802/PRAXIS.2022.9.2.008



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