The possibility of implementing certain provisions of Corpus juris civilis into the current law of the Russian Federation


  • Priest Nikita Kuznetsov Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary



This article touches upon the issue of implementation of the provisions of Corpus juris civilis in the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The use of materials from the codification work of the holy righteous emperor Justinian the Great is observed in the overwhelming number of existing world legal systems, because Roman law as a whole has come down to us precisely in the Justinian edition. The same process is observed in the history of the domestic state and law, which was generally built on the Byzantine church and state legislation. For example, there are many references to Justinian legislation in the resolutions of the Stoglavy Cathedral. It is obvious that it is impossible to implement the provisions that relate to the slave-owning social system. Certain provisions of Roman law have already been reflected both in private norms and in the principles of individual branches of law. This is reflected in the substantive and procedural norms of law. However, the existing influence has not yet exhausted itself. Specific examples of the provisions of the Justinian legislation are given, the implementation of which is not only possible, but would also be appropriate. This would raise the level of morality and law and order in society.


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Author Biography

Priest Nikita Kuznetsov, Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary

PhD in Theology, MA in Jurisprudence
Associate Professor at the Department
of Ecclesiastical and Practical Disciplines
Vice-Rector for Licensing and Accreditation of
the Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary,
Rector of the Nikolo-Gostinodvorskaya Church in Kazan
420036, Kazan, st. Chelyuskina, 31-a



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How to Cite

Kuznetsov Н. . (2022). The possibility of implementing certain provisions of Corpus juris civilis into the current law of the Russian Federation. Praxis, (1 (8), 100–106.