The bishop and the diocese. Canons on the Boundaries of Hierarchical Authority


  • Archpriest Ioann Lapidus Moscow Theological Academy



Church law, canonical corpus of the Orthodox Church, boundaries of the diocese, bishop.


This article analyzes the concept of the boundaries of the diocese, within which the bishop implements his actions, considers the norms contained in the Canonical Corps of the Orthodox Church governing the rights of the bishop in his diocese, and also provides canons providing for bans as a result of violation by the bishop of the limits of hierarchical powers. The relevance of the topic of the report is due to the current situation in inter-Orthodox relations.


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Author Biography

Archpriest Ioann Lapidus, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology Associate Professor at the Department of Ecclesiastical and Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy
Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Lapidus И. (2024). The bishop and the diocese. Canons on the Boundaries of Hierarchical Authority. Praxis, (1 (8), 44–58.



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