Deaconesses in the Activities of the Orthodox Parish in the Metropolis
parish community, deaconess, Local Council 1917–1918, rank of deaconess placementAbstract
The presented article raises the topic of the possible place of service of deacon- esses in the modern church life of the Orthodox parish. The modern realities of church life open up certain prospects for the ministry of deaconesses. The high workload of the priest in the metropolis, the absence of assistant priests in the village or village open up an opportunity for reasoning on this topic. Another aspect that gives the ground for thinking about the place of deaconesses in the modern life of the Church was the coronavirus pandemic, which made adjustments to ordinary church life. In this regard, is it not worth turning today to the experience of serving the deaconess of the first centuries of Christianity in order to call a modern woman to a special service to her neighbor during a pandemic?
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