«Prerequisites for the Legal Codification of Emperor Justinian»


  • Kuznetsov Nikita, deacon Kazan Theological Seminary




Byzantine Empire, faithful emperor Justinian the Great, codification of Justinian, legislative reform of the emperor Justinian, Roman law, Corpus juris civilis, Codex Justinianus


This article is devoted to one of the most significant deeds of the holy emperor Justinian the Great – his legal codification of Roman law, which in the literature is called the “Codification of Justinian.” The codification work, which was carried out under the faithful emperor Justinian the Great, can be confidently called a legislative reform, and not a simple compilation and collection of legislative material. It became not only one of the most significant events of his reign, but also the most ambitious reform of Roman law in general. It was Justinian’s codification that gave and gives researchers and politicians materials for the study and reception of Roman law. Such a large-scale event requires certain conditions, prerequisites, which are necessary for the successful implementation of reforms of this level. There are three of them: the condition of the legislation of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the reign of Justinian, which by 528 had already passed a long way of development and had a positive experience of codification work; external and internal political processes that have become a catalyst for the unification of legislation; as well as the personal qualities of the ruler himself, under whose direct leadership such a large-scale event was brought to an end. The article does not directly touch upon church topics, however, some provisions of his legislative reform in the light of the work on the codification of canon law may be useful.


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Author Biography

Kuznetsov Nikita, deacon , Kazan Theological Seminary

MA in Theology, MA in Jurisprudence Senior Teacher at the Department of Applied Church Disciplines at the Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary Acting secretary of the academic council of the Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary, PhD student at the Moscow Theological Academy (MThA).

420036, Kazan, st. Chelyuskina, 31-a.



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How to Cite

Kuznetsov Н. (2021). «Prerequisites for the Legal Codification of Emperor Justinian». Praxis, (1 (6), 94–104. https://doi.org/10.31802/PRAXIS.2021.6.1.007



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