Struggle for the Roman Inheritance: St. Emperor Justinian and King Theodoric


  • Zadornov Alexander, archpriest Moscow Theological Academy



Roman law, Byzantine law, Ostrogothic kingdom, legislation of Byzantium, St. Justinian, Theodoric


The article shows the difference in relation to the classical Roman heritage between the Byzantine Vasileus of St. Justinian the Great and the King of the Ostrogoths Theodoric. This difference is manifested both in official rhetoric and in the legal work of these rulers. It was Theodoric’s unwillingness to actively introduce Roman legal elements into the legislation of his state that became one of the reasons for the failure to integrate the Italians (indigenous Latin population) into the structures of the Ostrogothic kingdom. Being a mirror reflection of the “Byzantine synthesis” (Roman law, Greek language, Orthodoxy), the state of Theodoric could not withstand competition with the true heir to ancient Rome.


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Author Biography

Zadornov Alexander, archpriest , Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Head at the Department of Applied Church Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy.

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Zadornov А. (2021). Struggle for the Roman Inheritance: St. Emperor Justinian and King Theodoric. Praxis, (1 (6), 76–83. PRAXIS.2021.6.1.005



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