Editorial policy

Free Access Policy

The Journal is guided by the principle of free and open access to the results of research in order to contribute to the global exchange of knowledge.


The Journal is open access, with all issues since the founding year of the journal available free of charge to users. Open access implies that users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search or find the full text of articles of the journal without preliminary permission from the publisher and the author and distribute them in any medium and in any format, but only for non-commercial purposes and with obligatory reference to the journal.

Journal "Praxis", created by the Publishing House of the Moscow Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church, is published under the Creative Commons "Attribution" ("Attribution") 4.0 World License.

Publication fees

Publications in the Journal are free and there are no hidden fees. No royalties are paid to authors.

Deposit policy

In accordance with the journal's open access license rules, authors are entitled to send the final published version of their article to institutional or centralized archives immediately after publication, provided that the journal and publisher are listed as the original place of publication. Authors are also encouraged to submit the electronic addresses of published articles along with the PDF version. 

Archive policy

The archival policy aims at selecting, storing and providing access to the archives of the Journal. The archive policy has three main objectives:

  • Compliance with international archiving standards, carried out on the Open Journal System (OJS) publishing platform.
  • Registration and publication of articles according to professional standards (placement of article titles, abstracts, keywords, bibliography, digital identifier DOI, as well as a pdf file of articles on the journal website).
  • Ensuring wide access to the archived material as stipulated by the publishing practice.

The archival materials are of great scientific value, as they contain the most significant results of research on current issues of theological science.

The Journal publishes full-text archives on the website of the journal, as well as on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". 

Self-archiving policy

Authors have the right to place their peer-reviewed papers on personal websites and databases with the indication of the title and number of the journal in which the paper was published. For this purpose, we recommend using the publisher's version of the PDF file, or providing a link to it.

Anti-plagiarism policy

After the article has been checked by the professional computer programme Anti-Plagiarism, it undergoes a compulsory double-blind review. The approximate duration of the review process is 2-3 weeks.
Printed copies
If you would like to purchase a printed version of the journal, you can order it from the online shop of the publishing house of the Moscow Theological Academy.