The Dogmatic Aspect of Patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople (1289–1293; 1303–1309) Fight Against the Arsenite Schism (1265–1310)


  • Mikhail A. Vishnyak Moscow Theological Academy



Byzantine theology, Patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople, Arsenites, Arsenite schism, anti–schismatic literature, Lyons union, Hesychasm, Messalianism, Euchitism, Iconoclasm, ecclesiological heresy


In this article, the A. stydies the dogmatic aspect of the struggle waged by St. Athanasius I, Patriarch of Constantinople (1289-1293; 1303-1309), with adherents of the Arsenite schism (1265-1310), based on sources. Several basic directions were established: triadological, ecclesiological and personal charges of heresy. The main one was the triadological one, connected with the consequences of Lyons Union of 1274 and the disputes about the«Filioque» caused by it. Although objectively after the Synod of Vlacherna of 1285, the purity of dogma in the Church was restored, the sources contain traces of mutual accusations of triadological distortions, as echoes of the union. Perhaps, among other things, the accusations were caused by the indefinite position of the hierarchy in relation to the «Tomos» of Patriarch Gregory of Cyprus about the «eternal manifestation» of the Holy Spirit - an orthodox exposition of faith, rejected by arsenites. The A. put forward a hypothesis about Athanasius's more close connections with hesychasm. It is concluded that the dogmatic aspect in the struggle of Patriarch against the schism was defining, and at the same time theological arguments, especially in cases personal charges, were more likely a means of ideological struggle than an attempt to defend the truth.


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Author Biography

Mikhail A. Vishnyak, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Vishnyak М. А. (2019). The Dogmatic Aspect of Patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople (1289–1293; 1303–1309) Fight Against the Arsenite Schism (1265–1310). The Metaphrast, (1 (1), 35–52.

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