Marius Victorinus. Treatise «Against Arius» (fragments)

translation from Latin, introduction and notes by Alexey R. Fokin


  • Fokin Alexey R. Institute of Philosphy of Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow Theological Academy



христианство, богословие, арианские споры, триадология, сущность, качество, равенство, единство, тождество, подобие, свт. Иларий Пиктавийский, Марий Викторин


The article contains a commented translation of chapters 20 to 23 and 28 to 32 of Marius Victorinus’ treatise «Against Arius», where he makes a discussion with Homoeusians and refutes their theses, exposed in a letter of Basil, bishop of Ankyra, the leader of Homoeusians«On the similarity in substance». According to Victorinus, their doctrine is not only a betrayal of the Nicene doctrine of the consubstantiality of the Father and the Son, but also contains contradiction to the Aristotelian logic, according to which there can be a similarity only in quality, but not in substance. The introductory article provides a brief overview of the Homoeusians and their position in the history of the Arian controversy, and also discusses the controversial reaction of the Western Niceneans to the doctrine of «the similarity in substance».


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Author Biography

Fokin Alexey R., Institute of Philosphy of Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow Theological Academy

Doctor of Philosophy, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Philosphy of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Goncharnaya st. 12, building 1, Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow 109240, Russia


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How to Cite

Fokin А. Р. (2021). Marius Victorinus. Treatise «Against Arius» (fragments): translation from Latin, introduction and notes by Alexey R. Fokin. The Metaphrast, (1 (3), 84–121.



Editions and translations
