The Peacemaker of Local Churches: The Life and Heritage of Professor Anthony-Emil N. Tahiaos (1931–2018)
The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Institute of St. Sergius in Paris, prof. Anthony-Emil N. Tachiaos, Slavic studies, historical science, Greek theologians of the 20th century, Holy Mount Athos, hesychasm, Church diplomacyAbstract
This article aims to collect together various information relating to the life and work of the great scientist of the 20th century, Anthony-Emil N. Tachiaos. Based on his biographical data, the author shows that the contribution of Tachiaos to the study of the thousand-year Greek-Slavic spiritual heritage was so great that a number of separate studies can be devoted to this topic. This, of course, should bring to life a detailed study of the scientific heritage of the first Greek Slavist, Anthony-Emil N. Tahiaos.
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